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April 07, 2005


I went to go see the comedian Marc Lottering last night, which was relatively entertaining. Despite some issues with getting our dinner (which wasn't exactly the well-cooked meal I was hoping for), the company was pleasant and the performance was amusing at times. Marc kept switching back and forth between English and Afrikaans, so it was hard to pick up on what he was saying sometimes. And I felt somewhat awkward, because Niki and I were sitting in front, center stage, and we definitely weren't laughing as much as the rest of the (South African) audience because we couldn't really understand what was going on. It must be very difficult to be a comedian. I've crossed it off my list of potential career options. Not that it was ever on there, anyway...

So I have a class this evening from 6:30 to 8:00, and then I'm free from lectures until Tuesday at 4:00. This whole having-lots-of-free-time thing is going to get very boring very quickly. I finished the math report for my combinatorics professor and will try to take the final exam sometime next week. Now I need to work on convincing the Colleges back home that I covered a semester's worth of material in half the time. Hopefully this won't be too difficult, because I've taken three exams and have lots and lots of notes from lecture and lab.

Posted by rgutwin at April 7, 2005 03:07 AM


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