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April 12, 2005

Continued Vacation

So two weeks ago I had my spring break (which was really confusingly 'fall break' here...), and last week one of my three classes was cancelled due to Professor Pinto's attendance at a conference in Boulder, CO. Trust me, life is rather boring when you only have two classes to attend to and nothing much else going on otherwise. I was somewhat looking forward to the commencement of my literature class today, but alas, my professor is stuck in Colorado because of some huge snowstorm! I almost forgot what weather is like for those of you who have to deal with the snowy winter...

Instead of going to my literature class this afternoon, I spent a rather enjoyable few hours in the library, finishing up my first reading of Pride and Prejudice. Yes, I was reading it for pleasure, and yes, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I finally figured out how to check books out of the library, so I'm trying to make the most of my newfound borrowing privileges. Although the library doesn't possess any Tolstoy books in English, I have managed to secure copies of The Grapes of Wrath and The Hobbit before they fly off the shelves. Okay, so prehaps a lot of 'flying' might not be happening, but at least I have ways to amuse myself in the vast amount of time I have between classes...

Posted by rgutwin at April 12, 2005 11:35 AM


You've read The Grapes of Wrath already. I thought you didn't like it. But I like it, so I'm glad you've found it in English to read. Perhaps again. Do you know, there are two movies (one of which was a book) based on Pride and Prejudice? Bridget Jones's Diary (which most people have probably heard of, but it really doesn't follow the story exactly) and Bride and Prejudice, which I had never heard of but which I saw at the Williamstown theatre last week, and it's really neat because it copies the story exactly, except it's set in India. Not that you were wondering. (And not that I've read it.)

Posted by: Diana at April 12, 2005 01:34 PM

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