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April 28, 2005

Freedom Day

P4270008.JPGI forgot to mention that yesterday was a South African national holiday, which meant that the entire campus shut down and thus prohibited my internet access. It was a beautiful day outside, and lots of people took advantage of the weather and the free time by participating in various activities around campus. It reminded me a lot of Labor Day in the States, what with families hanging around, having braais and such. After my run in the morning, I walked around campus to take some pictures and soak in the South African weather and community. Part of me wanted to join in everyone else's fun activities, but I realized that that would both be semi-inappropriate and probably-not-so-fun for me...

After my final combinatorics exam tomorrow morning, I will conclude this week filled with four papers and over 300 pages of academic reading. Actually, everyone else around me seems to be stressing out, but I don't know what all the fuss is about. I like all the work I have to do, because it distracts me from the alternative boredom of having very little to do.

Posted by rgutwin at April 28, 2005 04:41 AM


What do you mean by "semi-inappropriate"? So if you walked up to try to join someone's braai, they would say "oh darn, the tall American girl with the long curly hair who runs around in short shorts is coming to our barbecue, this is horrible, we had better complain to the dean." Hmmm, I think perhaps not. :)

Posted by: Diana at April 28, 2005 01:06 PM

There were, like, families having braais, not just a bunch of students. It would have been awkward to join the braai of a random family I have absolutely no affiliation with...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 29, 2005 05:41 AM

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