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April 25, 2005

Lack of Precision is Frustrating

I ran another timed mile on Sunday (yes, even though my shins are still bothering me. They weren't too bad, though...), and I'm starting to realize how frustrating it is to try to time an approximately-one-mile route. Usually, a difference in up to 100 meters or whatever isn't really a big deal, but when you're trying to compare times from week to week, it gets challenging. The reason I'm so frustrated is because I ran a 6:15 mile yesterday, while last week I finished with a time of 6:14. I'm convinced that I ran for a few extra seconds this time, although it's hard for me to tell because I'm usually so out of it when I finish that I can't remember exactly where I stopped. I always start in the same place, though. Maybe sometime this week I'll clock the course while walking, and then just run by distance instead of time from now on.

Another monotonous 45 minutes of biking, 20 minutes of lifting this morning. I'm up to 8 reps of the super heavy weight, which is somewhat difficult. I'm hoping I'll build lots of muscle fast so that I can bump up the weights one more time before I leave.

Posted by rgutwin at April 25, 2005 07:31 AM


So can you explain the exact state of your track, so that it will be easier to understand exactly why you cannot tell how far you are going? If it's a normal track, can't you just put a stick or a rock or something where you're starting so that you'll know where to stop? Confused...

Posted by: Diana at April 25, 2005 08:25 AM

Since I run my timed miles on Sundays, the track isn't open. Thus, I run on a campus road for a mile that is half paved, half dirt. It's actually more like a loop, as I finish about 200 or 300 meters from where I start.

Posted by: Rebecca at April 25, 2005 08:40 AM

Then couldn't you start at, say, a tree, and end at say, a rock, and even if it wasn't a mile, those landmarks would be present week to week? Or if it is just nondescript grass, then pick a place where your line of sight makes two buildings line up exactly, and draw a temporary line in the dirt for that week and you'd be able to find it the next week? (That's how our cross country course was marked.) It might not be exactly a mile, but at least you'd have a consistent benchmark to gauge yourself against.

Posted by: Diana at April 25, 2005 02:43 PM

Right, that was my idea when I said "Maybe sometime this week I'll clock the course while walking, and then just run by distance instead of time from now on."

Posted by: Rebecca at April 26, 2005 07:55 AM

Oh, I see. I think that was a good idea.

Posted by: Diana at April 26, 2005 08:16 AM

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