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April 06, 2005

Last Group Outing

I didn't think much about it before I left the United States for South Africa, but travelling in a group of 24 other students, two professors, and their respective spouses is actually somewhat difficult. That being said, I have enjoyed the various field trips we've taken together since we've been here. Tonight I'm joining my fellow classmates for our last field trip of the semester: we're going to some comedy performance at a restaurant somewhere, and HWS is picking up the tab for dinner! I always get really excited for free food here...

It's strange to have no classes at the university. I've had lots of semesters with four classes, and one with five, but never any with only three. I'm going to have to find some way to volunteer somewhere on campus soon, because I think that I'll get rather bored with all the extra free time I have on my hands. I still need to finish some stuff up from my course last term (namely, my final exam), but after that's all done, I'll have no math exposure. Perhaps some sort of personal independent study is in order.

Posted by rgutwin at April 6, 2005 04:26 AM


(1) Why do you find it difficult to travel in a group of 24 students and a bunch of adults?

(2) I assume you are not actually taking "no classes at the university" -- you must mean "only three classes" or "no math classes." Or what?

This was a confusing post, Becca. But you're allowed to have confusing posts, because it's your blog.

(3) You could independently do creative writing. Then you would be free to study Tibetan Mandala Painting.

Posted by: Diana at April 6, 2005 11:03 AM

Technically, the courses I'm taking with the professors from HWS don't have anything to do with UWC. So I am currently not enrolled in any UWC courses, although I am living in their dorms and using their computers and going to their library...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 6, 2005 11:10 AM

Oh, I see.

Posted by: Diana at April 6, 2005 01:50 PM

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