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April 13, 2005


Being the incredibly organized person I am, I feel it's important to note the extreme lack of organization I've encountered at UWC, and in South Africa in general. Coming from a society where everything is as fast-paced and efficient as possible, it's strange to be in a country where "7:30" really means "sometime around 8-ish", large functions are usually planned a maximum of 48 hours in advance, and I see the same unshelved book on the same desk in the library for weeks on end. I understand that the United States takes efficiency to the extreme, and that a society in which almost everyone is over-worked is prehaps a bit too stressful, but I'm also learning to appreciate the little things I take for granted back at home (such as restaurants and various offices opening when their posted hours indicate they will do so).

This being said, I know that South Africa is trying to incorporate itself more into the global market, which means that the country as a whole is trying to become more productive and less inefficient in the workplace. Unfortunately, this direcly implies fewer job opportunities for the citizens of South Africa, as retrenchments lead to higher productivity and thus more competition in the global market. The fact that this country is still developing means that organization is definitely not at its prime, and perhaps as the economy begins to grow and unemployment subsequently begins to fall, I'll become slightly less frustrated with the way some things work over here. Until then, I guess I'll just have to learn how to function on "South African time".

Posted by rgutwin at April 13, 2005 06:09 AM


I know how you feel, I've experienced similar frustration in Cape Town. That said, South Africa is not the United States and neither should it be. Its a frustrating difference I'll grant you, but this idea that we in the West are the big grown ups, and countries like SA are the little children who should want to grow up to be just like us has surely had its time?

Posted by: AnnaNomsa at April 13, 2005 10:09 AM

I didn't mean to imply that the whole of South Africa "should want to grow up to be just like" the United States, because there are certainly quite a few things about South African culture that I think the United States could learn a great deal from. However, it seems rather undeniable that one of South Africa's most important weaknesses is its general inefficiency, and certain western countries tend to exemplify more efficient behavior. South Africa is its own unique country, and even though it is still in the process of incredible reform, it will always remain remarkably distinct from any other.

Posted by: Rebecca at April 13, 2005 11:09 AM

Yeah, you're right, sorry it sounded like I was having a go at you and I didn't mean to at all. I'm a development economics student so these issues are slowly driving me crazy the more text books I have to trawl through! I'm also like a horribly over-protective mother when it comes to Malizwe.

I have to say, having studied in Scotland and Canada, Scotland could certainly learn a thing or two about efficiency from your continent too! My institution seems to see students more as obstacles rather than the very people the institution is there to serve!

And you're right, the Beloved Country will always be an extremely unique place. There's nowhere else that I'd want to spend the rest of my life. And there's definately nowhere else in the world that you will find people dancing in the street, singing about HIV, saying to you 'I am positive about being HIV positive, because what else can I do?'.

Crazy beautiful.

Posted by: AnnaNomsa at April 13, 2005 02:18 PM

A lot of countries are like this, although most are plagued by bureaucracy, rather than just more laid back, as SA seems to be. Good luck adjusting your rhythms to those of SA.

Posted by: Diana at April 13, 2005 02:27 PM

My point exactly.

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at April 13, 2005 09:24 PM

A whole country disorganized, time clock challenged and dancing and singing in the streets???... Sounds like heaven to me! I see in my own life that the more there is to be responsible for, the more compelled I feel to organize, keep track of time and that leaves little to no time for singing and dancing! But I feel most alive when I "kick off my shoes" - and do something "crazy". (Like flying to Paris on a whim, just to feel it!) To be more productive, more efficient, more organized is like striving for something you could never reach, because you could always be even more of those things. That to my thinking is crazy. But it is the american way (along with other countries)for sure. But what if tomorrow wasn't certain?... Like in countries where death is no stranger? What really matters might be easier to focus on. Now - an interesting thought... as SA develops and gains a "brighter, longer future", will they stop the living for today in exchange for planning for their future?

Posted by: mom at April 14, 2005 12:32 AM

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