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April 14, 2005

Paper in the Bathrooms

I want to discuss the issue of toilet paper and paper towels (or lack thereof) I have encountered at UWC, despite the fact that it's somewhat of an odd subject to expand upon. I don't know if it's "a culture thing" or just a "UWC thing", but my first observation is that I have yet to find any toilet paper in an actual toilet stall: if there is any at all, it is in a dispenser in the main area of the bathroom. It took me a while to get used to this, and I went through quite a few tissues I conveniently kept in my backback before I got the hang of it. Furthermore, I have found that the supply of toilet paper is diminished rather quickly, and that the Univeristy seems to have a difficult time determining how long a supply of such paper will last. Thus, I have called upon my handy tissues on plenty of occasions where normally-provided toilet paper is not present.

Finally, once you exit the stall and proceed to wash your hands at UWC, you encounter not only a universal lack of soap, but also an absence of paper towels or electronic devices with which to dry your hands. Luckily, I have a lot of (very absorbant) curly hair that comes in handy in times like these, but I find it rather strange that this seemingly obvious problem has not already been resolved at the Univeristy. Consequently, this leads me to wonder whether other (South African) students find such a phenomenon perfectly normal, or if they are just as perplexed as I am. Perhaps I shall embark on a research project...

Posted by rgutwin at April 14, 2005 08:30 AM


Isn't it kinda hot outside there, so that you can walk outside and your hands dry in 10 seconds flat?

Posted by: Diana at April 14, 2005 09:44 AM

It's actually not that warm here now: I've needed my fleece every day for the past few weeks because I've been so cold. I'm kind of regretting that I only brought one sweatshirt with me...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 14, 2005 11:28 AM

Sounds like a UWC thing to me, the toilets at UCT, up the road, are surprisingly pleasant, and have toilet roll aplenty!

Mind you, I did have a roommate in Cape Town once who managed to use a whole roll in half a day, everytime you put any out. We never worked out what on earth she was doing with it, there was lots in the dustbin, and if we didn't supply it, then neither did she, so it clearly wasn't a necessity. As you can see, the mystery lives with me to this day!

Posted by: AnnaNomsa at April 16, 2005 05:25 AM

A fleece and a sweatshirt will keep you warm in many a situation. In a pinch, they can also be used as... never mind. :)

Posted by: Diana at April 16, 2005 09:31 AM

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