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April 05, 2005

Photos Uploaded!

I have uploaded some of the photos from my break! You can go to Snapfish to see all of them. In the meantime, here's one of my favourites (hand-picked especially for my sister!):


Posted by rgutwin at April 5, 2005 02:37 PM


I LOVE IT! They're soo cute! are they just random wild ponies? oh, by the way Mrs.(yea, that's right -- Mrs.) I believe you need to send me an e-mail. I've been deprived for over a week now - what's up??

Posted by: a-shizzle at April 5, 2005 05:23 PM

Hey a-shizzle, is it normal for horses to be sleeping standing up? (...And is it normal for you to call your presumably unmarried sister Mrs?)

Posted by: Diana at April 5, 2005 06:25 PM

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