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April 22, 2005

Resting is Effective

After feeling progressively worse throughout the day yesterday, I woke up this morning without any sign of the illness that threatened me yesterday! So I spent 45 minutes on the bike and lifted the heavier weights that I've been lifting this week. For some reason, it's surprising to me that I took a rest day and it was actually noticeably beneficial to my health!

Posted by rgutwin at April 22, 2005 06:27 AM


Becca writes:

It's not fair that you can put over 1000 miles on your shoes and have relatively few leg issues, while I have to purchase new running shoes every year with well under 500 miles on them because of my various leg problems.
For one thing, you're supposed to replace your shoes every 300-500 miles anyway. For another, these new shoes are making my ankles and Achilles tendons hurt like nobody's business (though the problem always goes away after about five miles). And for a third, recall that however high my mileage may be, I take two rest days -- TWO -- every week. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Posted by: Diana at April 22, 2005 08:16 AM

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