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April 18, 2005

No Table Mountain

So, as could be expected, my weekend plans fell through. South Africans don't really seem to be into the whole "planning" thing (or at least the South Africans I've met...). However, I had a good weekend despite not leaving the UWC campus: my professor brought Anna Karenina back from the United States, so I've had a lot of pleasure reading and homework to occupy my time. I'm kind of getting used to relaxing on the weekends and accepting the fact that I really can't find many ways to procrastinate. My grandparents from Vermont called last night, which was quite a pleasant conclusion to a relaxing weekend. I can't wait to get home soon to see everyone!

This week looks relatively uneventful. I have the highlight of my week tomorrow (grocery shopping, of course), a presentation on Wednesday, two papers due on Thursday, and potentially a combinatorics exam to schedule in sometime. Oh, and lots of Tolstoy to read. :-P

Posted by rgutwin at April 18, 2005 04:58 AM


Hey Rebecca,

Maybe you had a lucky escape! The first time I climbed the mountain we went up on Camps Bay side, slept in a scout hut (with a bunch of scouts, would have been great if I were 11, but I was 18!), then the next morning took the Kirstenbosch descent and oh my lord! I have never been in so much pain. I worked at a school for children with disabilities at the time, and I kept going to the physiotherapists, asking what I could do. Everytime they laughed and said 'hot bath'. I think I must have been the single cause of that year's water shortages I took so many baths that week!

But then again, the most exercise I was getting at that point was carrying 7-year-olds around on my hip for half the day, so I was considerably unfit! You probably manage much better.

Hope you get the chance to go soon before the weather gets nasty. If you need, I know the public transport routes of Cape Town quite well, its possible to get to the cable station by minibus.

Good luck!

Posted by: AnnaNomsa at April 19, 2005 02:35 AM

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