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April 07, 2005

So Far, So Good

This morning I spent 50 minutes running on the track (at a slow pace, granted, but it was still 50 minutes of running...), and there was no sign of my pesky shin splints that started to appear before I went on break. Hopefully I can prevent them from getting as bad as they've been in the past, but I don't know what to do about it other than back off from speed and super long distances. Any suggestions, marathon girl? Or marathon daddy?

Posted by rgutwin at April 7, 2005 03:16 AM


I have two ways to prevent shin splints:

(1) Run on soft surfaces -- tracks, grass, trails, but no pavement, asphault, or concrete.

(2) Wear shoes that force your toes to crimp with every step, such as flip flops or open-backed shoes like clogs. This strengthens your shins, which I think prevents shin splints.

I have never heard of speed or super long distances affecting shin splints, unless of course they are done on hard surfaces.

Posted by: Diana at April 8, 2005 08:27 AM

Thanks for the pointers. The reason that I associate fast speeds with my shin splints is that they tend to appear only when I'm running pretty quickly. Since the track isn't open every time I need to run amd the gym is open even less, there really isn't any alternative to me running on pavement some of the time. :-(

Posted by: Rebecca at April 8, 2005 10:26 AM

I don't know how the roads are in SA -- if it's a road with a sidewalk on both sides, then that's what it is. But although I do a lot of my training along the road, but I try to do as little as possible on the road -- if you just run on the dirt to the left of the pavement, it is much better for your body (shins, knees, everything) and then you only have to run on the pavement occasionally (when there is a side road or driveway, when you turn, when the shoulder drops off, when there is a puddle).

Posted by: Diana at April 8, 2005 02:11 PM

The roads on campus all have curbs and no sidewalks, and it's not very possible to run on the grass on the side of the road, because it's generally at a 45 degree angle. I already have enough problems with my ankles...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 11, 2005 06:28 AM

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