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April 18, 2005

Timed Mile and Such

I've been running timed miles on Sundays to try and simulate some of what my body would be going through if I were at home and racing. A few weeks ago, my time was 6:26, then I went on spring break, and the following week I ran a very disappointing 6:28. This Sunday I resoved to not miss a season PR by only a few seconds, and was excited to see 6:14 on the clock when I passed the one mile mark. Hopefully I can get my time under 6:00 before I leave for home.

This morning I spent an easy 45 minutes of steady state on the bike and then (finally) increased my lifting percentage. Unfortunately, that meant that I also had to decrease my reps to 6 on most of the exercises, but I can work on getting those back up to 10 again. So now I'm lifing 25 kilograms on the upright row, 60 kilograms on the leg press machine, 37.5 kilograms on the seated row, 25 kilograms on the hampstring curl, and 52.5 kilograms on the tricep press.

Posted by rgutwin at April 18, 2005 05:05 AM


Now just keep that up for 25 more miles, and...

Posted by: Diana at April 18, 2005 08:00 AM

Ha. Not going to be happening anytime soon...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 18, 2005 11:07 AM

It took me four years to break 6:00 in the mile. If you do it in four weeks, I will be very impressed.

Posted by: Diana at April 18, 2005 11:21 AM

And what sort of a filter do you have on your comments? I submitted a comment from this library public computer with my normal information and was referred to this page (information on this page). And my comment was not accepted. Why?

Posted by: Diana at April 18, 2005 11:23 AM

That would be a question for my dad. We've been getting a lot of spam comment postings on the gutwin.org blogs, so he set up some sort of fancy filter. I'll refer him to this post...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 18, 2005 11:35 AM

This is a test comment.

Posted by: Diana at April 18, 2005 10:00 PM

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