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April 12, 2005

Track Running

I have decided that I don't particularly enjoy running around in circles on the track, but unfortunately my stubborn shins have given me little alternative. I spent the majority of my 50 minute run on the track this morning until the presence of two young men who were trying to get my attention became too distracting. Thus, to avoid the attention I was eliciting in my bright orange running shorts, I finished the run through the middle of campus, which definitely wasn't the smartest idea Becca's ever had. "Let's run past a few hundred people instead of just two, because that sounds like it might help the situation..."

Posted by rgutwin at April 12, 2005 11:50 AM


Where did you get bright orange running shorts? And where can I get some of those? When I am running on the road, nobody looks at me, to the extent that I am afraid of getting hit by a car, so I'm thinking that if I added bright orange shorts to a reflective orange vest, it might help things. (That would be better than running in a sports bra, which certainly makes people look at me, and thereby still makes me afraid of being hit.) If you don't want people to look at you, dye your hair brown and show less skin.

Posted by: Diana at April 13, 2005 02:13 PM

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