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April 26, 2005

Trapped on Campus

I'm starting to get somewhat concerned about how I'll spend my time during my last two weeks in South Africa. All the HWS classes I'm taking will have ended, meaning that I'll have no courses or course work to occupy my time. The taxi system here is somewhat sketchy, and in light of the recent taxi wars and shootings, I'm even more hesitant to cram into a minibus filled with a dozen or so other people. Thus, I forsee the very real possibility of hanging out on campus every day except for Saturdays and Tuesdays, when the school has arranged rides for us with Calvin. (We had to switch drivers: the whole Roger thing fell through. It's a really long story involving lots of money lost by HWS, which means even less money in the budget to organize any more trips for us.)

What am I going to do on campus almost every day for two weeks with no classes? My daily workout can only occupy so much of my time, and then it's probably going to be a lot of DVDs and reading for Becca. The weather is going to be really cold and rainy, so I can't go to the beach or enjoy the lovely outdoors. Museums will entertain me for approximately one day. I don't really have the money to travel around to other cities, and even if I did, I don't think I would want to do such a thing by myself. I'm thinking of talking to my professors about my options around Cape Town, because I really don't understand why we're staying here for two extra weeks if there isn't anything for us to do, and we can't get out of the barbed-wire fence surrounding the campus...

Posted by rgutwin at April 26, 2005 08:15 AM


Please do not get shot.

You could do wall sits all day. This would help you to achieve your stated goal of having massive thighs.

Posted by: Diana at April 26, 2005 02:27 PM

what is this talk! Becca already has massive thighs!

Posted by: anna at April 28, 2005 12:36 AM

There's always room for improvement.

Posted by: Diana at April 28, 2005 09:36 AM

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