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April 08, 2005

What? Dialogue in the Gym?

I feel it's important to mention that I'm creating these training entries more for me than for you, because I'm keeping no other record of my workouts and it will be useful to be able to look back on what I did this spring. Thus, "another day of 45 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes lifting" is technically all I need to write.

But this morning, something slightly more exciting happened, because someone in the gym actually talked to me! He asked me if I had been hiking, because I still have lots of nasty little scratches all over my legs that betray my whole getting-lost-in-the-woods experience. I relayed part of the story to him, and after further discussion found out that his name is something that sounds phoenetically like "Socks" (which I can remember...) and that he's from the Eastern Cape. I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty more of him every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the gym before I leave.

Posted by rgutwin at April 8, 2005 09:28 AM


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