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April 14, 2005

Yay! A Package from my Grandparents!

The package count continues to rise as I received a package from western New York this afternoon! My grandparents thoughtfully sent me some books, which will definitely help with the whole boredom-from-only-three-classes thing... Getting packages makes me feel so loved. I only have a month and a half left here, so for those of you who were wondering when to make your move, now's the time. :-P

Posted by rgutwin at April 14, 2005 12:11 PM


Sorry, this is not related to your post becca, but i just wanted to let you know that mom's surgery went really well and she's back home sleeping :)

Posted by: anna at April 14, 2005 04:26 PM

That's good to hear!

Posted by: Rebecca at April 15, 2005 05:44 AM

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