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May 23, 2005

Home Sweet Home

It's Rainy!For all those of you who are wondering, I have arrived back home in Vermont safe and sound. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been incredibly cooperative with my ideal. Still, it's nice to be home, despite the very rainy 60 degree climate. The forecast this week: tons and tons of rain, and lots of grey skies. Wonderful. Hopefully it won't get hot and sunny just in time for the marathon, though. I'm running the last leg again this year, and my dad and friend are running the whole thing! That'll be fun for them.

I'm back at work already, spending some quality time at the RehabGYM. Actually, the vast majority of my waking hours are spent at the gym, as I work out in the mornings and get paid to work in the afternoons / evenings. The people are fun and the work isn't bad, though, so I'm not complaining. Stop by sometime if you're in the area! And if you're not in the area, make sure you get in touch with me soon so I can tell you all about my semester in South Africa!

Posted by rgutwin at May 23, 2005 07:14 PM


Becca - a few notes:

  • Weather looks OK to me - what's the issue?
  • Hope your marathon ambitions are realized.
  • You didn't mention that your bird now attacks people (biting the feet) who are standing on his rug. Seems like that's the kind of information your readers would be interested in.

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at May 23, 2005 08:57 PM

Coming from summer in South Africa (that technically transitioned into fall, but we're grazing over that fact), the weather in northern Vermont has been very diappointing as of late. I want blue skies and lots of sun, but most of all, I want to be comfortable in knee-length skirts during the day, because I can't find any pants to wear to work that are long enough!

By your last comment, are you implying that my readers aren't inherently interested in anything I happen to say? But Kismet's new habits are actually quite interesting, so readers: stay posted for more information.

Posted by: Rebecca at May 24, 2005 08:36 PM

Hi Rebecca,
Welcome home! I am glad to see you are home safe and sound and spending your life at the rehab gym.

I agree with Dad about Kismet--very interesting to all.

And the weather is being grumpy, in my opinion. It is time for it to be warm. I am trying to force the weather by packing away all my warm clothes but the only thing I have accomplished is my own chilliness.

Posted by: Sandra at May 26, 2005 04:45 PM

Is this foot-biting a new thing? I think he attacked my feet in the past. But I wasn't standing on his rug. Perhaps that exacerbates the foot-biting. Where is our more information? Here I am, posted.

Posted by: Diana at June 13, 2005 08:15 PM

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