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May 04, 2005

Last Class

Today is officially my last day of classes for this semester, even though I'm technically supposed to have two more classes tomorrow. But I'm having lunch at one of my professor's houses instead of a final class, and my other class is going into Cape Town to hear the author of one of our class books speak about the new South Africa. I'm not really complaining about the end of the semester, because I think I speak for all my classmates and I when I say that we're all feeling a little burned out at this point. We've done a lot of work, and learned a lot in the process, but we're ready for a break.

Posted by rgutwin at May 4, 2005 04:51 AM


Yay for being burned out! Me too! Oh, wait...

Posted by: Diana at May 4, 2005 10:00 AM

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