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May 05, 2005

More Work, Work, Work

I officially only have one paper and one final exam standing between me and the end of the semester. I'm working on the final paper with Crystal, and we have to walk around campus and interview South Africans about the future of the new South Africa. The problem is that neither one of us knows a large variety of students, so it might come down to stopping random people and asking about their thoughts on where the country is going. This will be interesting. Our plan is to finish the paper this weekend. Let's see how that goes.

My final exam doesn't sound too bad, except that it involves me having to re-read an entire novel because I didn't understand it the first time. So that's the other thing that I have planned for this weekend. I'm not so much looking forward to lots of quality time with David's Story. Perhaps I'll have to break it up with the remainder of Anna Karenina. We'll see how that goes.

Oh, and on a completely different note, as Crystal and I were walking to one of our interviews this morning, we saw a bird being attacked by some of the campus cats. I walked over to chase the cats away and prevent them from torturing the bird, because they were definitely playing with it much more than necessary before it died. Of course, it was just as scared of us as it was of the cats, but I moved it to a different place so that it could die in peace without cats making the remainder of its life even more miserable. Then I had to find a sink to wash off the bird blood that was all over my fingers, which was not as hygenic as possible because the bathrooms at UWC don't have any soap. But we stopped by the bird on the way back from the interview about half an hour later, and it had died peacefully right where we left it.

Posted by rgutwin at May 5, 2005 05:06 AM


There's never a dull moment at the UWC campus :)

Posted by: Shaun at May 5, 2005 09:01 AM

Can't you get diseases by getting bird blood all over your hands? I realize you are all animal-friendly and all, but... don't get diseases. Good for you for making the end of its life better.

Posted by: Diana at May 5, 2005 09:17 AM

That was nice what you did for the bird. Bird blood is not harmful - especially fresh. (Those of us who eat birds, like chicken - touch their blood). Human blood is of more concern - but only if it is infected and only if there is a break in the skin of the one exposed. Hopefully now that it's dead, some other animal will get a meal out of it before it rots! It's tough being near the bottom of the food gain. Actually, if you think about it - it's not so easy being at the top either...

Posted by: mom at May 5, 2005 02:28 PM

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