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May 05, 2005

Okay, Another Rest Day

This morning I woke up at 7:00 to a decidedly not-yet-risen sun. Naturally, I rolled over and proceeded to sleep until 8:00, when the sun had reached a reasonable height in the sky. Knowing that I would probably come to some such conclusion this morning, I decided last night that today would be a self-dictated rest day...the second this semester! It's a new record. I'm starting to learn how to listen to my body when it says, "Hey Becca, I'm really tired. Let's not go out and try to kill me today."

Posted by rgutwin at May 5, 2005 05:13 AM


Hey, yesterday you said the likelihood of your taking today off was slim to none, and today you took the day off! I thought you were a math major! I thought you took a course in probablility! I thought you were always right! What is going on???

Posted by: Diana at May 5, 2005 09:19 AM

Hey, I said slim to none, which left a slight probability that it could've happened. Probability offers no guarantees, you know.

Posted by: Rebecca at May 6, 2005 03:56 AM

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