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May 30, 2005

Vermont City Marathon

Becca RunningI ran with the RehabGYM relay team in the Vermont City Marathon yesterday, bringing up the average pace for a total time of 3:54:08, which is 37 seconds slower than our time last year. However, given that we had a slightly different team this year, and that my mom's training for her 5.5 mile leg consisted of one mile the day before the marathon, I think that we did remarkably well. I ran my leg approximately 2 minutes faster than last year for a time of 41 minutes for 5.6 miles.

My dad and friend ran the whole marathon, along with a couple of co-workers and aquantainces, so it was fun to hang around and watch the crowd go by. I don't think a full marathon will be in the works for me for quite some time, but there has been some discussion of a potential half-marathon for next year. Unfortunately, I will be competitvely rowing in the spring, which will mean lots and lots of sprinting, so running 13 miles might prove almost unrealistically difficult. We'll see...

Posted by rgutwin at May 30, 2005 12:35 PM


yo, way to post the same thing twice....lame - AND on a side note to all you faithful readers, I took that beautiful picture with mom's new camera phone (thanks for the recognition Becca, I think i'm going to need to copyright my work from now on if this keeps happening!)

Posted by: a-foshizzle at May 30, 2005 06:23 PM

I think they should hire you to take the professional photographs. That one is much better than the professional ones. Then you can copyright your photos so that if your silly sister forgets to credit you, you can sue her. Yay.

Posted by: Diana at June 13, 2005 08:02 PM

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