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July 23, 2005


Old Orchard BeachAfter an enjoyable hike at the end of the week, I headed up to our family cottage in Old Orchard Beach, Maine with Anna and Karl. We were joined shortly by Karl's girlfriend, Rebecca (yes, it does get rather confusing at times), where we were subjected to countless hours on the beach and forced into modes of relaxation. My mother and Bruce came up from Vermont on Wednesday, and we all headed over to a nearby water park to meet up with one of Mom's employees and her family. It's been so long since I've had a full week of vacation, with nothing I really have to do except for the daily workout and personal hygene routine, and I almost forgot what I've been missing! I had a great time just hanging out with my family and taking full advantage of the opportunity for laziness presented to me. Come Monday, it's back to work I go, but at least I have one more day of relaxaton...plus, my first ride on my new road bike!

Posted by rgutwin at July 23, 2005 11:46 PM


Hey, if you think two Rebeccas is confusing, try two Karens, three Scotts, and two Carols! The fun never ends.

How about you post a picture of that new road bike of yours? Especially if your seat is above the handlebars. Ha. Ha ha ha.

Posted by: Diana at July 24, 2005 09:53 PM

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