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August 27, 2005

O'Dells 6A

Welcome to my new room in Geneva, New York! It's much bigger than I expected, and it has a neat little hallway, and the closet is extra-extra large, so I'm very happy with my living situation this year. Plus, I'm in a condo-type unit, with a full kitchen (dishwasher included!), "dining" table, and a living room area, which is nice. I don't have any pictures of the common areas yet, because we still have a lot of decorating to do down there. But if you go to the top of the stairs, and take an immediate left, there I am! This picture is a view from my doorway. (Notice the illegally-hung coat rack, which is graciously on loan from Anna. It's not completely secure yet, because the screw on the left isn't long enough to grab the stud, but I'm working on that.)

And here's the main view of my room. Not too exciting, but do notice the nicely-colored lamp in the background. My desk is to the right of the camera at this angle. The furniture was arranged differently when I got here, so then I moved it all, and then I woke up this morning and decided to do even more furniture moving. But I think I finally got things the way I want them, so that's good.

Here's the view from my window. I'm not particularly excited about looking out onto a parking lot, but at least I'm not in one of the units that just looks into another unit's windows! This morning, there was a football game of sorts happening on that field, which was kind of confusing since Hobart has a really nice field about 100 meters away...

So that's it! I hope that most of you can get over here to see the condo for yourselves! I'll post more pictures of the rest of the place as soon as we get some things organized and decorated.

Posted by rgutwin at August 27, 2005 04:58 PM


Well, seeing as how you are, according to Google Maps, 357 miles away, and I don't have a car, I may not be visiting O'Dells 6A. But your family and Jenna will compensate for me, right?

Hmmmm, I could ask you weird questions, like: Why do you have a calculus textbook? Do you have to look up formulas often, or are you TA-ing, or do you just like math textbooks with colors now that your textbooks don't have any colors anymore? And did you (or rather, did Anna) get that ski coat rack from that store that makes all sorts of stuff out of old skis and snowboards that advertised in the VCM bag they gave out? And is that your bluish car in the leftmost parking spot nearest the photographer? (Just since you asked me so many questions when I got to Mystic...)

Oh, and I have that same furniture at Williams. The chair that tilts back, and the chest of drawers. Cool.

Posted by: Diana at August 28, 2005 07:00 PM

Well, Jenna might not be able to make it all the way to Geneva, but hopefully I'll get some visitors this year. Absolutely no one visited me my sophomore year. That was sad.

I have a calc textbook for a few reasons. Yes, I do sometimes look up formulas and methods, and I used that textbook at least a dozen times last fall. It is a most excellent textbook. Coincidentally, I am also TA-ing for a Calc I lab this fall, and the book might come in handy (although Calc I really isn't too far beyond the reaches of my memory at this point). And finally, although I do not bring it for the colorful illustrations, I do store a few photos in the pages of my calc book (they're panoramic photos, and I just happened to put them in there freshman year as I saw that they were getting all bent and wrinkled). I like to have these photos from time to time to reminisce.

The ski coat rack very probably came from the place you described. Anna won the rack as a random prize at the Urban Adventure by getting her name drawn out of a hat, so I figured that it would be okay if I used it this semester, seeing as how she can't screw anything into her wall. Technically, I'm not allowed to, either, but I'm a senior, and I know the RAs very well, and I'm sure it won't be an issue. But RunVermont puts on the marathon and the Urban Adventure, so it would make sense if both events had the same sponsors.

And yes, my car was parked right outside my window when I was taking those pictures. I pulled right into that spot when I was moving in and hadn't moved my car since. But now it's in a different spot, because I did have to use it yesterday. The unfortunate thing about living in O'Dells is that I have to get a Limited parking permit, which means that I can't park anywhere else except for the O'Dells lot, the fieldhouse (which is kind of funny, because the fieldhouse borders the edge of the O'Dells lot, but it takes about five minutes to drive all the way around the block to get to the fieldhouse parking lot...it's much faster to walk) and Houghton House, which is an arts building off campus that I have never visited. So I can't drive to class or anything, because I don't have anywhere to park once I get there. That's fine by me, because I like walking, but it's rather funny that the people who live the farthest off campus can't really park on campus...

I can imagine that there are some standard dorm furniture companies. I like my chest of drawers and my chair that tilts back. I am also a huge fan of my extra-long bed, where my feet are actually fully on the mattress when I sleep!

Posted by: Rebecca at August 29, 2005 01:57 PM

I like the room. Funky lamp - I like it.
So you have my bike jacket I see... that's ok - the arms are too long for me and I bought a new jacket anyways.
The ski rack looks like it belongs there - anna is used to hand me downs - she can have it next year...

Posted by: mom at August 29, 2005 08:28 PM

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