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August 28, 2005


Here you go, Grama! Hopefully you can find something to help these... (Click on either picture to make it bigger)

Posted by rgutwin at August 28, 2005 09:56 PM


Okay, more questions:

Do you have a digital camera? If you can take pictures like this on demand, I suppose you would have to. Did I just miss or -- gasp! -- forget this exciting development in your life?

Do you watch DVDs while in bed, as the remotes on the bed would indicate? If so, I would have to scold you for this sort of lethargic lifestyle, and then you would have to remind me that you work out two or three hours a day.

Do you want an "In Celebration of... BECCA" pink think with the letters colored in? Actually, even if you wanted it, I might not let you have it anyway, so never mind.

Is your Grama making you curtains or something? What a very nice Grama that would be.

Posted by: Diana at August 29, 2005 07:24 PM

shucks - to think i just threw out the living room curtains... too bad :)

Posted by: mom at September 1, 2005 05:21 PM

Well, technically I'm not allowed to have curtains, so that's okay. I was just going to see if Grama could give me a long piece of fabric to drape around the window.

Posted by: Rebecca at September 1, 2005 07:23 PM

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