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September 23, 2005

My Height is Still Unsurpassed...

William Smith Varsity Crew
Well, at least I'm still the tallest one on the team, somewhat to my objection. I try to argue that I'm under 6 feet, but Sandra still doesn't believe me. Maybe I've grown over an inch in the past few years. Maybe I just stand really, really tall. Or maybe everyone who's measuring themselves against me are shorter than they think they are. It doesn't really matter to me, but Sandra likes to say that I'm 6 feet tall. It's good to have 6' rowers. Not good to have 6' coxswains. In fact, it's a really, really bad idea to have 6' coxswains.

So I've been out sick since Tuesday, because I have unfortunately contracted some inconvenient illness. However, I have found it very interesting to ride in the launch during practice and to watch the rest of my team row. We had morning practice today, which was somewhat easier to wake up for knowing I didn't have to row. I threw on a pair of jeans and a rain jacket (by the way, not very fun to go speeding along in the launch when it's raining out...and you don't have any rain pants on...and you're in jeans...) and rode in the launch for the first three 15' pieces. Unfortunately, after the scheduled third piece, the crew still had one more piece to complete, and two people needed to be at class in less than 10 minutes. Seeing as how we were a 10 minute row from the dock, Sandra was encountered with an interesting predicament.

Guess what happened? Conveniently, one rower and one coxswain needed to get back to the dock ASAP, so Sandra jumped in the Stoer and coxed them home, and I jumped in the Taz and stroked it home. The assistant coach drove the launch back with Kenzie and Hannah, and I found myself in a rowing shell, in the rain, wearing jeans. Luckily they were stretch jeans...

How many people can honestly say they have rowed in jeans? Let me just say that I wouldn't choose such a material for our uniforms.

Posted by rgutwin at September 23, 2005 08:51 PM


Yes, being a coxswain convinced me of the usefulness of plastic pants (even when it's not raining).

About being 6' tall -- you could acknowledge it but add a caveat, as in "I'm six feet tall with my hair." Then people have the satisfaction of saying that you're 6' tall and you have the satisfaction of not being 6' tall. Because when you look at that picture, your head is sort of bumpy on top, which is from your hair, and without that you'd be shorter (though you'd still be taller than anyone else).

Does the last sentence of the first paragraph mean that Sandra was considering making you the temporary coxswain while she stroked the boat?

Posted by: Diana at September 24, 2005 06:43 PM

thats thinking "outside the boat"! sounds like a good time.

Posted by: mom at September 26, 2005 09:18 PM

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