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October 12, 2005

Cold, Gray, and Wet

Geneva Weather

The perfect rowing weather! While this forecast looks rather miserable on the screen and feels rather moist during the day, when the time comes for practice, one couldn't ask for more comfortable rowing conditions. It's a little chilly before the boat starts moving, but once the coxswains let us start rowing, we get rather warm rather quickly. Many others on the team will probably disagree with me, and I can understand how it would be somewhat difficult to motivate yourself to spend lots of time outdoors in the rainy 50-degree weather. However, I have learned to embrace the rainy times, especially during the peak of our on-the-water fall season.

Posted by rgutwin at October 12, 2005 02:32 PM


Weren't you the one telling me I'd get blisters in the rain? So, out of curiosity, do you get more blisters in the rain than when it's not raining?

Also, I'd just like to let you know that I am very impressed at your inserting that graphic. Print screen and all. Très cool.

Posted by: Diana at October 14, 2005 12:03 AM

Actually, I really only get blisters during the first week of the season that I'm on the water. It doesn't really matter if it rains or not, because I usually begin the season either during the first week of September, or in some hot state during spring break. Thus, my hands get just as wet when I sweat than when it rains. And then blisters give way to callouses after the first week, so everything is good. Some people have more trouble with their hands, but we rowers are a rare breed capable of creating intense pain in our bodies that distract us from the pain in our hands. It takes a borderline insane person to be a rower, but we carry the status with pride...

Posted by: rgutwin at October 14, 2005 07:03 PM

Well, some might say it takes a borderline insane person to be a long-distance runner, too. In fact, some do say that about certain long-distance runners...

Just make sure that the pain in your body and the pain in your hands don't distract you from the red line creeping up your arm.

Posted by: Diana at October 14, 2005 07:19 PM

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