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October 31, 2005

Head of the Fish

Dan, Cassie, Frances, JM, Gardner, Gavin, Tim, Me, Edwina

The Hobart and William Smith crew teams finished their fall seasons at the Head of the Fish this weekend, racing a total of 9 boats between both teams. Originally, I was only going to race once, but Sandra encountered a little issue when a few Hobart novices quit shortly before the race. Thus, the HWS mixed 8+ entry suddenly needed new rowers, and Sandra decided to create a Class of 2006 boat. Coxed by Dan Gilbert, Cassie, Frances, JM, Gardner, Gavin, Tim, Edwina, and I raced down the course a second time immediately following our respective varsity 8+ events. Rowing with men in the engine room is my new favorite way to race, because we spent a lot less time through the water and a lot more time on the recovery at a 32. We passed at least half a dozen boats on the way down the less-than-12-minute course, and won the event by almost a full minute! We had a great time, and it felt like an excellent way to end my final fall season at the Colleges.

Posted by rgutwin at October 31, 2005 09:43 PM


I had not heard of that event, the mixed 8+. It sounds like an excellent idea.

Lucky girls to get to go faster since there are guys in the boat, and lucky guys to get to show off (literally) in front of girls...

(Do you honestly get that much spam, this so-called "malicious comment posting by abusive users"? I think it is harder to post on your blog than it would be to break into the second-floor window of my house. But I continue to post undeterred.)

Posted by: Diana at November 2, 2005 04:33 PM

What I meant to say was, Congratulations on winning. Right. What a good end to the fall season. But what I really want to know is, did you get a plaque with a fish head coming out of it? I have seen those, and they look stellar.

Posted by: Diana at November 3, 2005 01:17 PM

if i can get my act together - i will get some video footage i gathered of the race off to you. it was very exciting to watch.

Posted by: mom at November 4, 2005 08:56 PM

Hi Becca!!! I hope you are enjoying your last year at college. It seems like you are. I miss seeing you row. Sorry i could not be there this year. Hope to talk to you soon.
Love, Ashley

Posted by: Ashley BArlow at November 19, 2005 11:58 AM

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