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November 23, 2005


Anna and I arrived home safely last night after a long and semi-dangerous drive. It was icy, snowy, and dark, but we pulled into the driveway at 11:30 pm unharmed and ready to jump into bed. I spent the day doing some much-needed laundry, shoveling the four-to-six inches of snow off our driveway, and catching up with some friends and family.

Tomorrow, Anna and I head over to Dad's house to tackle Thanksgiving dinner. We aren't going to be super-involved with the main course, but we're in charge of the dessert appetizer, which is going to be DELICIOUS. Then, it's two more full days at home before we need to make the drive back to central New York to finish up our final three weeks of the term...

Posted by rgutwin at November 23, 2005 11:15 PM


Dessert appetizer? I think I am going to need some details on that. Anyone who has an appetizer for the dessert, or who has dessert for their appetizer, is a friend of mine.

Posted by: Diana at November 24, 2005 06:06 PM

I just wanted you to know that I absolutely loved seeing you and anna again. I miss you guys so much and we had such a good time catching up. I hardly recognize your house though. very cool. How did the teddy bear ice cream dipped in shell dessert appetizer turn out... I mean what is the real scoop... (pun pun pun)

Posted by: JENNA ROSE at November 28, 2005 04:26 PM

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