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December 13, 2005


Finally, exam time has come upon us college students, and many are anxious to head home for the holidays and to forget about the looming grand finale of schoolwork. I had one exam yesterday, a paper due today, and two more exams on Thursday, after which I will likely run to my car in order to beat the nasty storm that is supposed to hit Albany and Williston on Friday. For now, it is back to work I go, although I am keeping a very close eye on this "wintry mix" with the unhelpful knowledge that my snow tires are waiting for me at home...

Posted by rgutwin at December 13, 2005 01:38 PM


Anyone whose weather comes by latitude and longitude is a friend of mine.

Lucky you, exam or paper in every class instead of exam and paper in every class. However, your last exam is on Thursday, whereas I am done with exams on Wednesday. However, you do not have to spend Thursday cleaning your house, whereas I do. But you do not have snow tires, whereas every car I own has snow tires on it.

It's great to be a math major, isn't it?

Posted by: Diana at December 13, 2005 04:26 PM

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