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December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Christmas TreeWe have all finally finished our Christmas shopping, wrapped our presents, and stacked them in an incredibly unorganized manner under the tree. The Gutwin children have already experienced two gift-giving sessions this year, and we're ready for the grand finale: our presents to and from each other and our mom. We went over to Dad's on Thursday evening and to our grandparents' on Christmas Eve, which was highly enjoyable and less hectic than it sounds.

Of course, Christmas is not all about the presents. Nor is it all about the six inches of snow on the ground, the holiday music playing in almost every building and vehicle, or the trillions of lights strung in, around, and on most inanimate objects. To me, Christmas is not only about family, because I get to see them a lot throughout the year. Christmas holds a unique spirit of generosity, forgiveness, and genuine appreciation for all mankind that isn't necessarily demonstrated by all for the majority of the year. Obviously, it holds religious significance for many of us: a great celebration of the fact that our God loved us enough to send his own child down to our Earth in order to take responsibility for what we cannot. Christmas encompasses the feelings of goodwill and love that I strive to emulate in my relationships; not only with those I know well, but also complete strangers who deserve the same respect and consideration as everyone else. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and may you experience exactly what you're looking for this holiday season.

Posted by rgutwin at December 25, 2005 01:07 AM


Trillions of lights, Becca? Trillions? As in, more than 167 lights for every person in the entire world, including the places without electricity? I think I am going to have to talk to the HWS math department.

Posted by: Diana at January 3, 2006 01:31 PM

Yes. Trillions. Do you have a problem with that? I dare you to prove me wrong.

Posted by: Rebecca at January 4, 2006 02:09 PM

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