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January 25, 2006
Row for Humanity
Today marks the fourth annual Row for Humanity event at HWS (this photo is from the first annual RFH), and I find it important to note that I have never completed the fundraiser in the proper manner. Freshman year, the event fell on the day after my surgery, so I spent all day watching the ergers rather than joining them. Sophomore year, I was under special direction from December through February to train per heart rate, and thus rowed for two hours at a controlled heart rate instead of the required one hour, which is notably more intense. Junior year, I was off studying in South Africa, so I had to run for an hour instead of erg. And this year, my back is not strong enough yet to be able to erg for an hour, so I biked on a trainer in the atrium of the library for an hour and a half as an alternative. Regardless of the equipment I was on, however, I got to participate in the event this year, which was the goal anyway. I got some rather confused and bizarre looks as the atrium of the library is a busy place, and there aren't usually two dozen ergs and a bike set up in the middle of it, but no one actually asked me what was going on. It was a good thing, anyway, because it's not that easy to explain anything when you're in a very hot room trying to train...
Posted by rgutwin at January 25, 2006 12:58 PM
Oh man, I forgot to send you a check for that. I meant to do it eventually. I even knew exactly how much I was going to send, and it was going to be a wicked clever amount. And now, well, eventually has passed, hasn't it? I would have sent it with some note like AND YOU BETTER ACTUALLY ERG THIS YEAR but it's good I didn't, because once again, you didn't erg properly. It's a wonder they let you be captain.
But the important question is: Did you have fun? Just how was that 90 minutes of biking? And did you raise lots of money for Humanity?
Okay, so now we have:
Recover for Humanity
Row for Humanity
Run for Humanity
Ride for Humanity
Pretty good.
Your experience with no one questioning you agrees with Diana's Theorem: If you act like you know exactly what you're doing and it's completely normal, no one will question you.
I can comment now without suspicion of my being malicious! Yaaaaay!
Posted by: Diana at January 25, 2006 03:00 PM
This is fun reading! - Both your post, Becca - (and good for you - my beloved and skilled adapter to whatever life presents...)and your comments Diana! I do agree that what you are confident in doing (or at least presenting confidence in!) draws few questions and actually can create the same "doing" in others! There are independent thinkers and there are followers - a lot more followers.
Posted by: mom at January 26, 2006 10:37 PM
You should really write more. The whole month of February is sad and lonely without any posts. It's almost the end of February. February needs a post. It told me so itself. Plaintitively.
Posted by: Diana at February 27, 2006 11:08 PM