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January 10, 2005

A little more educational entertainment.

While I'm at home I have been brushing up on some of my Arabic vocabulary. I have take three semesters of Arabic and feel pretty confident most days that I will be able to understand limited conversations. I do have some holes in my vocabulary though because the stories about Maha and Khalled that are included in my Arabic textbook seem to use really weird vocabulary. I can tell you how to dump your girlfriend in Arabic so you can date an engineer but I couldn't tell you the months of the year.

Anyways, I found this great song while I was looking for an on-line Arabic dictionary. If you study it long enough you may be able to learn the Arabic alphabet. (make sure you are not in a silent computer lab or you may have to explain that odd noise comimg from your computer) Have fun!

Posted by rcollins at January 10, 2005 11:29 PM

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