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March 29, 2005
Happy Easter!
This Sunday I decided to go to church. Although it was technically Easter, I decided to go because I wanted to have another adventure. I didn't exactly know where the church was so I hopped into a cab and left it up to the driver to figure out where I was going. Luckily, he knew exactly where my landmarks were so it wasn't too much of a problem. Of course, he spent the entire ride trying to convince me he was the nicest person on the planet and that I was the nicest girl on the planet but at least we got there in one piece.
I was a bit early for the 6:30 service so I decided to take a walk around the block. However, when I arrived back at the chruch there was still no one there and the service started in 5 minutes! A couple of minutes later a guy pulled up and began to chat with me about being in Jordan until the Pastor guy came out in his robes ready to begin the service. Once inside, I sat down and quickly began to realize that the entire service was going to be in Arabic. The cool part was that I understood some of it and that the church uses a regular ligurgy that I could follow along with out of the hymnal. I also got to sing the hymns because they sing them slow enough that I can keep up. The service only lasted an hour but it was beautiful and I enjoied being there. Afterwards I drank tea in the reception hall and chatted with the Finnish youth director and Pastor Samir who both speak fluent English.
At first I was a little uncomfortable being the only foreigner at the service but the service was so small (about 30 people) that everyone was really friendly. I think I'm going to go back again and hopefully I will understand more each time. And maybe not stand out so much!
When I got home that night, my family hugged and kissed me and wished me a happy Easter. My host mom even cooked me Easter sweets. . . now I can't wait till the real Easter rolls around!
Posted by rcollins at March 29, 2005 7:03 AM
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Congratulation on finding and attending the worship service. What an adventure in finding a church and the help it will give you in your Arabic. Now what kind of Easter treats do they have in Jordan? Candy, cookies, Eggs?
Posted by: Barbara at March 29, 2005 8:44 AM
Hey Becca! I really admire your fearlessness and your spirit of engagement with the world.
In case you couldn't understand the sermon, the tomb was empty. Otherwise, pretty uneventful.
Happy Easter to you!!
Posted by: Beth at March 29, 2005 7:04 PM
I didn't quite get your name, but mine is zaid. I'm originally from Jordan and am currently living in Canada. I left Amman some 7 years ago, and I haven't got the chance to visit since then. It has been very interesting reading your daily postings. I don't know how I got to this site, but I was looking for something completely different, and this got my attention. I just spent 2 hours to read all your postings... very informative.. Thank you. I understand that you are struggling with fruitless hours daily, but trust me it wouldn't be as bad once you get to the summer. Jordanians are very outgoing once you get to know them, and trust me, it is very easy to win them as friends. You don't need to fear their intentions cause their morals and religious teachings, whether muslim or christian, will refrain them from incurring any harm or abuse. But I do agree that staring is a bad habit. there is still so much to see and much to learn from our culture. My dad is a pilot, and I have travelled to many places, but Jordan holds this distinctive taste that you will only get used to after a while. there is something mystical about the place, at least that is my recollection. Life has a different interprestation in that part of the world, something that I long for amidst this systematic and routine life that I lead now in Montreal. don't get me wrong, Montreal is such a special and beautiful place and I urge you to visit. but its not as fulfilling nor as compelling of a life as in Jordan. although, jordan would be considered empty when compared to first world countries like where you come from, but some mysterious thing makes up for that. I dont' know... I hope you can relate to what I'm saying, cause if you don't then I might seem crazy. If you are interested, I can introduce you to a few friends of mine that reside in Jordan. I'm sure they will make your stay worthwhile. One is a girl that I went to high school with. she is so nice and speaks fluent english and arabic. the second is a guy that was my neighbor for as long as I can remember. Let me know if your interested. I'm gonna bookmark this link, so i stay updated with your latest activities. Enjoy your time and venture into new things.. we only live one life.... ciao
Posted by: zaid at March 29, 2005 10:54 PM
Wow, finally a post that got people's attention. Anyways, as mentioned in my earlier posts, Easter in Jordan isn't until May 1st so I don't know what kind of candy there will be. I also have plenty of time to learn the words for 'tomb' and 'empty'. :)
Zaid, thanks for posting to my blog! I do understand what you are talking about, Jordan is a very unique place. I have no worries about being harmed, it is mostly an observation and a comfort issue. I really do enjoy being here and hope that you continue to enjoy my postings!
Posted by: Rebecca at March 30, 2005 7:22 AM
But what treats did your mom cook for you? You said she made you Easter sweets... :)
Posted by: Karl at March 30, 2005 8:28 AM
Happy Easter Rebecca :) and happy "over halfway through" your experience living in Jordon! My staff got a big kick over Karl's visits to the gym (or rather visits to you). They still talk about Karl being at his computer post bright and EARLY - sitting for hours at the computer and his occasional chuckles as you conversed through fingers. I will save some thoughts for a letter (I now have your address - somewhere on my desk - I hope...as I now search for it...)
Posted by: sharon at March 30, 2005 9:24 PM