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March 16, 2005
Long Week in Amman
I found out this morning that I did not get housing at Brandeis for next semester so my thoughts aren't exactly focused on Amman right now. I also was supposed to hear about my summer job but I haven't gotten anything yet. I truly hope that isn't a bad sign.
My schedual is topsy-turvy this week because of the advisors being here. Tonight my Biblical Arabic is canclled because the advisors are coming to our home stays for dinner. For me, that means I have several hours to kill before I need to go and pick them up. I probably should go home (because I am not feeling well) but I really don't feel like watching Arabic language TV or explaining why I am home early.
Yesterday I went with Rob to get my second passport so that I can go to Israel. There is a slight problem with this system however. Aadl (one of the boys in our program) went to Israel this weekend and forgot to get a visa before he left. The only border where you can't get a visa is the Jordania/Israeli one that is convienient to Amman. Instead of entering at the King Hussein Bridge, he had to travel all the way up to the northern-most corner of the border so that he could get back into the country. When he asked Sally (our resident director) how he can get a visa in Amman, he was told that he cannot get one here and must enter and exit and one of these incredibly inconvenient crossings. The whole second passport deal depends on us being able to get a visa to re-enter the country on our second passports. If we cannot do that then Syria will see the re-entry stamp from the Jordanian border and they will know that we have been to Israel. All of this means that we would not be able to go to both countries even with a second passport. Hopefully this will get resolved but I am a little mifed that Sally didn't warn us even though she knew the entire plan.
On Monday I have my first Arabic exam in grammer so I will spend the weekend studying. Well, after I go to the Dead Sea with the Language Center at the University. And hopefully my housing and summer job situation will work themselves out.
Posted by rcollins at March 16, 2005 8:12 AM
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Read this page, it's got a whole lot of useful tips on traveling to both Israel and Syria... it's an incredibly convoluted process. It's just too bad that this is so hard! Why can't we all just get along...
Posted by: Karl at March 16, 2005 11:30 AM