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March 10, 2005

More Like Home

So after two and a half weeks of Arabic class, today's lesson started to feel a bit more like home. My teacher was rambling on like he always does and he says at one point, "Shakespear was from the Middle East." "His real name is Sheik-is-pear!" When I heard this, I started cracking up. It was meant as a joke, and it is pretty silly on its own, but it is even funnier because my Arabic teacher in the States says the exact same thing! It was good to have some comic relief this morning.

I have decided that I am extremely tired of chicken and rice. Every meal I eat is some form of chicken or rice or both. This cycle is made even worse by the fact that the cafeteria at the University only serves weird soups, salty spagetti, and chicken and rice. I have taken to just eating pita and hummus but that isn't quite the healthiest diet around. Tonight I am going to try and remedy this problem by going out to Indian food with Annie and Rob. I was aiming for chinese but the restaurant needs reservations on Thursday nights (similar to Friday nights in the states).

On Saturday, Annie, Rob, and I are going to the belad (downtown) and then are going to bake some cookies. I love the sweets here but I also want some plain chocolate chip cookies. This may also help remedy the chicken-and-riced-out feeling I have right now.

Posted by rcollins at March 10, 2005 10:49 AM

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