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May 22, 2005

Social Commentary

One of the most interesting things I've done here in Jordan so far happened last week when I went to a play with my host sister and her friends. It was put on by her university at the Royal Culture Center in Amman and was really cool.

Originally, I had no idea what the play was going to be about and was reluctant to go because I never understand things when they are only in Arabic, however, that didn't matter at this play. The play had very few words and the ones it did have wern't important to the message of the play.

The play was just 30 minutes long but it said a lot about Jordanian and Arab society. There were six guys and two girls and everyone was dressed alike. They did a lot of repetative motions and at one point even repeated part of the play except that they did it faster. At one point they even pretended to hang themselves with their ties.

It was impressive to see this type of social commentary thriving in Jordan. Everyone here in Jordan does look the same and rarely do people criticize that. It was great to see youth questioning their society and looking for change. It definitely helps me see a broader slice of Jordanian life and have a little bit more understanding.

Posted by rcollins at May 22, 2005 6:29 AM

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