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June 2, 2005
Comedic Interlude
The other day I was sitting in the kitchen with my host brother eating and he started in on the "Do you know. . .?" game. He asked me if I knew some random Arabic movie and I told him no because I had never heard of it before. He began to tell me that it was a very old movie and was made when he great-great-great-great-great. . . . grandma was alive. I think I counted around 20 greats in there so I proceded to tell him that they didn't have televisions then and ask how they made the movie if there were no tvs?
His response, with a smug look on his face: "Yes, but there was a donkey."
Definitely the best punch line ever.
Posted by rcollins at June 2, 2005 6:10 AM
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