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March 02, 2005
Apple makes me happy
I'm in Williard Straight Hall now on this beautiful computer - a G5 power mac thingie, with a screen that cost over $1,000. Ahh, it's so nice to have people who understand the value of a good thing! I wish i had this setup (not that i'm complaining about my iBook, it's doing ok) but i think it might be a little unnesissary...for me at least. I'm content to ooooh and ahhhh over it, and come here and marvel at the wonders of Apple.
Oh, about sledding last night - it was quite an adventure, and yes, i used a tray. However, there were a bunch of people there which dampened the fun just a little. But hot chocolate in the middle of the art's quad in the snow was a good wrap-up to the day.
Ah, I can't get over how pretty this looks, although i would make a few changes, like a better background and the dock that pops up - but it still looks good :)
Posted by agutwin at March 2, 2005 11:18 AM