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March 18, 2005


For all those who are wondering (mom and dad) This is where we're going for spring break:

Shenandoah National Park, VA; Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area, VA; Linville Gorge Wilderness Area (Pisgah National Forest), NC; Shining Rock Wilderness Area (Pisgah), NC; Pisgah National Forest, NC; Marion, NC; Possibly Boone, NC; Possibly DC.

As you can see, there's a bit of uncertanty in the plans, but we should be ok. I'm going to have my cell phone, but due to the lack of a plug in the wildreness, i might only be able to turn it on once in a while and make some calls (i'm not actually taking it with me backpacking, but when we're on the road, etc.) Don't worry, i will be ok. We're leaving tomorrow at 6 AM and hope to be back at cornell on sat, definitly by sunday (easter). OK - I'll take lots of pictures and let you guys know what's going on as much as possible! Cya!

Posted by agutwin at March 18, 2005 09:48 PM


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