March 02, 2005
Dying Dreams
I remember back in high school reading a poem about dying dreams that ask if they just wither up in the sun or burst like a balloon. Well I think that it's more of a combonation of the two. First there's a burst where you realize what's happening and feel all broken up. This thing that you've dreamed about for so long is suddenly not there. It's hard at first, to re-learn everything that you've been doing, to learn how to live without that hope. Then the slow degredation begins, where at first you convince yourself there's still hope and you try and fall into your old routein. However, you soon look back and see that there is in fact no hope left. I think it leaves you very empty and confused. Then you try and find what drew you to the dream so strongly in the first place and it comes down to nothing, a whisp of smoke that turned into a tornado, but only in your mind. I think though that the dream still lives on deep in your heart, desparately seeking protection from all the previous battering. Yet it's allowed to come out once in a while, when it's safe, and then quietly crawls back. So we live our life.
Posted by agutwin at March 2, 2005 10:56 PM
This is so odd - Please check out my post on loss. Dreams may die - but something always grows in it's place, like a burned forest, coming back to life. The sweetness of life is found in living through loss. I know this is contradictory, and confusing. It’s the cycle of loss and regained hope, the “Christmas tree” experience, dragging an evergreen into your house on the darkest, coldest night of the year and celebrating life and love.
Posted by: Paul Gutwin at March 4, 2005 10:09 PM