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April 10, 2005


Ok, so i had to work at the climbing wall from 1-8 (bah) so by the time they finaly let me out of there, I was pretty hungry. The dining halls close at 8:30 and I just made it in time to Appel to grab some food. However, as i was sitting there, by myself as they were closing up, it made me think of just how far away from home, and life "back then", I really am. Also, at the climbing wall there was a group of younger kids, and an adult mentioned something about going home, and it made me remember when I would just go home - after climbing, after school, whatever. It didn't help that I was trying to choke down a piece of surprisingly tastless piece of rhubarb pie that obviously had too much red and not enough rhubarb, my grandma makes pies 10 times better! I'm not homesick, or particularly miss a whole lot because I LOVE Cornell, but it just made me think. I can't wait for Becca to come back from SA, and the summer to be here, and dad to come up to visit, and seeing kismet and mom again, and eating REAL pie with my grandparents. But for now i can enjoy the sun that's shining down (well, not right now...) and the work I have to do, and the friends who make it all better (or worse sometimes....) Yup, it's not particulary better or worse - just different. But i should go study some chem now...

Posted by agutwin at April 10, 2005 09:01 PM


Anna (ah - I mean Becca I guess) - I really like the latest banner. If you're taking a vote, I like this one better than the first.

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at April 11, 2005 09:15 PM

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