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June 15, 2005

"Black like me"

I'm reading the book "black like me" now. I think it's a good book, well writen, etc. but I also think it's so very sad. He describes the feelings he has as a "black man" and how hated he is by a lot of whites. Growing up in Vermont I was never exposed to a lot of people from different races, I don't know if this influenced my opinion today. I was always taught to not descriminate, and those who judged based on skin color where just plain stupid. So to read about the point of view of a black person in the south, it's a little surprising. It makes me upset that people could act in such a blind hateful way. At first I was glad that this sort of treatment isn't going on today, but then I realized that it still is, just quieter. I remember my friend (I'm not naming who) made some racist black jokes that where funny until you thought about all those people who where unfairly condemmed by so many. I just want the world to be able to get along in peace, and hopefully I can help in that somehow.

Posted by agutwin at June 15, 2005 03:13 PM


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