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June 13, 2005
OK, so if you want to make Anna unhappy, take away her climbing. Last week I had been climbing on tuesday and noticed my back was a little sore and I thought no big deal, I just worked some muscles harder than normal. So when friday came and my back was still a little odd I figured I'd just take it easy that day. So I started on this easy (G1 in a G0-G4 scale) problem, a sit start but nothing I'm not used to. On the first few moves though, the right side of my back spazed out and started hurting. I dropped down, tried to stretch it out some, and tried another easy problem with the same result. I was determined not to let this get in my way and tried yet another problem, this one I topped-out on. Having successfully completed one problem (yea!) I decided to leave, it really wasn't working. I felt really stupid though, walking out a mear 5 mintues after I got there, but whatever. After some ice, jazz, and more ice, it was starting to feel a lot better. Actually now I only feel a shadow of an ache and I plan to climb tomorrow. On friday though, I was pretty unhappy. I realized how much climbing means to me and how I really look forward to going. So that's enough for now, I'll see how it goes tomorrow
Posted by agutwin at June 13, 2005 02:20 PM