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July 04, 2005
FirEwORks!! (and fire-field)
OK, here's a letter i'm going to be submitting to our town's newspaper. It was a pretty interesting night :P
The Williston Fireworks were good, but what they started was even more entertaining. After the start of the show the gentle wind picked up a bit, causing a little concern for the viewers on the bike path behind Allen Brook School. Glowing embers were soon seen scattering the near-by field after a particularly large blast. After many shouts of "fire in the field" a handful of brave citizens were inspired to run to the corner of the field, reportedly stomping the four to five foot in diameter flame to embers and then dousing it with a water bottle. The fire had been sucessfully extinguished when an official came driving by on the bike path, and, despite having directions given by an onlooker, proceeded to speed past the location and drive in the wrong direction. After some time a truck entered the field equiped with people searching the grounds. A fire official reported seeing the flames when they started. However, one would think that live embers landing in a dry field would cause the fire department to be on high alert. If any official had been watching for fire common sense would suggest they would be the first ones to contain the flames. I think it is inappropreate for citizens (who were supposed to be watching the fireworks) to react quicker and more efficiently than those paid to watch for fires. That being said, I have a great respect for our Country's firemen and there was no point during the evening that I felt any real danger. I believe we had a great display of pyrometrics, but a poor show of our town's professionalism and responsiveness.
I bet there are a ton of spelling and grammatical mistakes in there, but i'll fix it tomorrow. All right, i'm wicked tired, i think i'm going to bed.
Posted by agutwin at July 4, 2005 11:23 PM