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August 29, 2005

Swimming and Slacklining!

Sunday was a near-perfect day. Well I guess a little bit of that came from hanging out with Floris the night before (an episode of Alias always equals a good time to me). Anyway, while Katie and I were on staff training for COE we got to thoroughly embarrass ourselves on the slackline that was set up. For those who are not so versed in this climber past-time I'll explain: Slacklining is basically where one ties a long strip of 1" webbing between two trees (fairly close to the ground) and then tries to stand, walk, turn, etc. on it. So after having fun on the one on sat we wanted to have more fun by setting one up on Sunday. Thanks to Katie's "old" webbing and a couple trees and 'biners we got fairly good at it, but most importantly we got addicted! So that and a relaxing morning set the day off right.

Possibly even more fun than slackling was swimming. Katie, Laura, Stephen, Floris and I went down near the suspension bridge and splashed around. If I need to state the obvious: I love swimming. A pool, a lake, an ocean, it doesn't really matter as long as I can paddle around in the water and have fun. It was a pretty hot day to begin with and the water was soooo nice. Luckily Floris is pretty good with a camera and took these awesome pictures:

That's me playing in one of the many waterfalls

A bee we found on one of the plants

A view from above. I'm on the left, Stephen, Katie and Laura are in the middle. It's very deep after that waterfall so you can dive/jump in

One of the mini-waterfalls

Basically the whole thing

Posted by agutwin at August 29, 2005 04:41 PM


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