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October 25, 2005

Cold, Wet Rain.

Well I was going to show you a picture of Ithaca's forcast, but I didn't feel like fussing with it (when I take a screen shot, it saves it as a PDF, which cannot be shown directly here, but only as a download). Oh well, it would probably be too depressing anyway - we have rain in the forcast for 9 out of the next 10 days....

Today is (surprise, surprise) cold and rainy, which makes it very hard to wake up. The rain is very thick too, so hit hits your head and runs down a ways. It's so unplesent outside that the 5 minute walk to Mann from my first class seemed too long so I had to duck into the Dairy Bar to grab a coffee to keep my hands warm. But I'm here now, and I'm planning on staying here until I eat lunch with Katie around noon.

Oh, I got my orgo prelim back - I got a 78 and the mean was a 71. The SD was around 17 though, pretty high. Still, I'm happy...that is until the next exam on the 10th :O that seems way too close.

Speaking of which, I have a ton of work these next two weeks, which, of corse is why I'm writing here. I made a "To Do" list for myself and got bumbed out when I filled up a sheet of paper...But I can handle it, as long as I don't go insane...

It's bad, but I've started to listen to the Narnia series on book-on-tape, or rather, book-on-iPod. I finished "the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" last night, even though I needed sleep. They're addicting and bring back comforting memories of mom reading to us at night (thanks mom!). I need to ration them, or else I'll spend hours and hours listening, and not do my work. OK, speaking of which...I have a behavior paper to write and orgo to study for...at least I'm dry (for now).

Posted by agutwin at October 25, 2005 10:18 AM


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