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November 16, 2005
I'm going to try and make this short, I've got to leave for class in ~4 min....
So I got my orgo exam back (not the one I took last night, but the orgo lecture exam) and I got a 46%....Now before you freak out, the mean was a 58 with a SD of 18.....so it's not the end of the world i guess....There's still the final, which counts as much as 2 prelims, so I can bring it up.
Other than that, the orgo lab exam I took last night went ok i think....it was long, but not epic (sorry, for non-adventure type people, epic = taking a trip where a lot of bad/unexpected things happened, for example, if you got lost in the woods and ran from a bear, that'd be epic). So anyway, we'll see about that one. The only bad thing is that it counts for 30% of your grade in a 2 credit course, which is almost a full credit :O but i don't think i did too horribly.
OK, this is getting too long and i need to walk in the rain to my next class (behavior, were we're actually getting back our exams!). Hope everyone has an awesome day
Posted by agutwin at November 16, 2005 12:01 PM
silly lady,
adventure = trip where lots of bad things happen, but at the end of the day, you can get in your car and make it home to warm food, shower, & bed
epic = trip where lotsa bad things happen, and you're stuck out there for a while
yay for Ithacating and walkin to class in the rain!
and good job on your exam, crazy cornell with means of 58...
Posted by: kt at November 18, 2005 09:43 AM