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December 09, 2005


Ummmm.....so that thing about going to bed....well I couldn't actually fall asleep - for the whole night! I think i must have slept a little bit, but i was still up at 2, probably 3:30, then at 5:30 I got so fed up I got up, went to the bathroom, got a drink of chocolate milk and tried again. I'm really tired now, but the construction started at 9AM so I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep through that.

It was odd, I actually forgot how to go to sleep...there was one point when i first got in bed, that I was almost there, then julie came back to the room and woke me up again. Then when I tried to go back to sleep, I had chemistry reactions running through my head and I was wondering why I wasn't writting them down. Then I remembered that when you go to sleep, you don't write stuff down and I was really confused....it was a weird time.

The problem is, now I need to be awake and studying. Even if I could fall asleep, I've already wasted so much of my time that I simply can't do it and still have enough time to get all my studying done. I don't know what's going to happen with tomorrow when I need to teach rock climbing at 9AM....hopefully I'll be able to grab a little more tonight....

Posted by agutwin at December 9, 2005 09:48 AM


when i cannot fall to sleep, i think about how nice it is to feel warm and cuddled by blankets. just relaxing is good for the body and soul. its not a waste of time. and then when you are relaxing, you are most likely going to fall asleep. if you worry, about going to sleep - or anything for that matter -you are not likely to fall asleep. another way for me to fall asleep is to read journals in bed.
you will get through - and i kizi and i look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!

Posted by: mom at December 9, 2005 02:28 PM

it'll be ok lady! It's just orgo... and then wednesday we'll go climb!!!! :)

Posted by: kt at December 12, 2005 11:37 PM

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