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January 19, 2005

Ramen Fiesta

Recipe: Gourmet Ramen

1 package any flavor ramen
Frozen peas
1 Teriyaki flavor chicken sausage
Soy sauce

- Cook the ramen according to directions but omit flavor packet.
- Dice chicken sausage.
- In the last minute of cooking, add frozen peas to boiling ramen.
- Drain ramen and peas. Add sausage and soy sauce quickly to prevent ramen sticking to the pot.
- Serve and enjoy.

Recipe: Indian Ramen

1 package any flavor ramen
Chick peas if you got 'em, otherwise frozen peas
Chicken sausage
Curry powder

- Cook the ramen according to directions but omit flavor packet.
- Dice chicken sausage.
- If using frozen peas, then in the last minute of cooking, add frozen peas to boiling ramen.
- Drain ramen. Add sausage and butter quickly to prevent sticking.
- If using chick peas, add them now.
- Season with curry powder and paprika.
- Serve and enjoy.

Posted by kgutwin at January 19, 2005 10:28 PM

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I do have a cooking suggestion. Learn the basics with very fresh ingredients. Basics are thing like roasted chicken, beef stew, pan roasted steak. Understand the food venacular of *your* culture and practice so much you can trancend it's common-ness with excelent preperation.
Use as much as possible the freshest food you can find. Really fresh potatos, eggs, corn, etc. have a unique flavor. Anything wrapped in plastic is pretty much shot already. But you do live in the frozen north, so you gotta do what you gotta do.

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at January 22, 2005 12:04 PM


Posted by: xanax at June 27, 2005 03:05 PM