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January 09, 2005

Why the name?

What's in a name?

I think that choosing blog names is a pretty strange situation. Some people are pretty bland about their names - utilitarian, straightforward, no guessing as to where or why. Other people have a lot more fun with their blog name, sometimes to the point where one wonders exactly what plane of consciousness that person was riding when they made their selection. (Well, yes, I suppose I was somewhat responsible for that name. I still like it, even though most people find it strange :) Still others choose hip, classy names, and others name theirs after their pet chihuahua...

When I was thinking of a name, I wanted something which was unique to myself. I didn't feel like "Karl's Blog" really cut it. I finally settled on Snow and Sky because to me, it epitomizes my favorite environment -- a field of fresh fallen snow on a cool winter's day, with a wide open sky above and a few puffy clouds. I don't know too many other people who think in those ways. Most tend to complain about the chill, or the gray, or the yuck. I always see those nasty things as stepping stones to what I really enjoy - the peacefulness of winter.

Once I settled on a name, the design of the site was easy. The background is made up of pictures of real snowflakes, originally taken by W.A. "Snowflake" Bentley and published in 1931. My dear Becca gave me a book of over 2000, and yes, so far I have not found two identical. (Although I did happen to select two very similar ones when I was taking pictures of the book - that surprised me!) The header bar is based closely on a photograph of an oil painting made by my grandmother, Leona Gutwin, depicting a scene just as I described above. I'm so very glad that I have these wonderful gifts, because I treasure them when I can't treasure Nature itself.

Posted by kgutwin at January 9, 2005 06:25 PM

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Yeah, my blog has a silly name. But I like it and that is all that matters. :)

Posted by: Rebecca at January 9, 2005 09:04 PM

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Posted by: hgh at June 20, 2005 04:55 PM

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Posted by: hydrocodone at July 18, 2005 07:18 PM